Saturday, February 26, 2005

Danny in Germanny: Welcome

Welcome to the Danny in Germanny Blog. At this naive point in my blogging career, I plan on making weekly updates, including pictures, but will also make surprise posts as needed. I intend this blog to be both for interested family and friends, and also anyone else who is curious, especially students interested in studying abroad.

I will try to keep my blog entries short, and I recommend using a blog aggregator, such as Bloglines, so that you can be automatically receive new posts whenever I update, rather than have to continually check this page to see if I've added anything.

The credit for the title of this blog goes to my brother Sam, who sang an impromptu song to me right before I left the US.

Before I get into the song lyrics however, I need to clarify a point. Many moons ago, in a place called Seawell Elementary School, I was known as "Danny." Family and friends called me by this name, and all was well. Well, almost all. The biggest problem with the name "Danny" was that it was too long to write out for little young me, mostly because I have to follow it with my very long last name. Taking tests or vocabulary quizzes, I was always behind the other kids because I had to spend an extra 15 seconds or so writing out my name before I could start. This caused me much angst, and seeking efficiency, I decided to shorten my name to Dan, saving me precious seconds. However, several people from this era of my life still call me Danny, which is okay by me since that doesn't mean I have to still write it on my papers anymore.

And that long detour leads me to my brother Sam's improvised song.

Here is how it went:

Goodbye Danny
You're going to Germanny

At that point, we began to crack up. After peaking so early, Sam couldn't think of any good follow up lines for the song, so he just kept repeating that about ten more times while strumming a chord on the guitar. We found Sam's lack of lyrical diversity also funny and then laughed some about that. The song will live on in my heart and blog forevermore.

That is enough of an intro, but I will soon post more . Or will I? I have already broken my promise of keeping my entries short.

Bis dann!

P.S. If you find any typos or inacuracies, please let me know so I can fix them! Just leave a comment explaininig the error, and I will read it, and then erase/edit your comment so that no one else knows about it. Then I will make the necessary changes.

P.P.S. You don't have to find a typo to leave a comment. Please comment!

The "Before" picture. Start getting excited now for the "After" picture, coming in 6 months. Posted by Hello

A gorilla guarding the guitar. Posted by Hello