Saturday, April 09, 2005

How much do Europeans love soccer? You can play soccer while Eur-a-pee'n. Installing a soccer goal with a little white ball on a green urinal mat is a bit crazy. Regardless, the game is actually fun. We need a basketball version in the Dean Dome. I couldn't figure out what the stationary little red balls in the urinal were for. Just for reference, this urinal is located in a cafe in Salzburg, Austria. At this point, I'm getting good at taking pictures of urinals. Posted by Hello

Translation of text: "What bad disease is in here?" Posted by Hello

Most likely the greenest escalator in the world, located in Munich. I have no idea why the entire escalator is full of plants. Needless to say, it does not function. Posted by Hello

For people who can't decide if they want a Volkswagen or a motorcycle. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

To be continued...

I've been traveling the past few weeks, and now I'm dealing with lots of bureaucracy, but I'll post some major updates (mostly in the form of photos) within a week, probably later rather than sooner. Hopefully that'll catch everyone up on what I've been up to. I'm sorry to leave you all stranded; expect more stabilty now that I'm settled in to a permanent location.